Mp3tag was checked for possible viruses by various leading antivirus software products and it is proven to be 100% clean and safe. Although, no malware, spyware or other malicious threats was found we strongly advise you to check product again before installing it on your PC. Mp3tag, free and safe download. Mp3tag latest version: Easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of common audio formats. Tech S.O.S (Off topic) » Good Free Safe MP3 Tag Editor? New User Forum List Latest Topics Calendar Forum Rules FAQ You need to be logged in to post. What if we cannot edit the tags(metadata) from the properties menu? Here are two quick reliable solutions. You can do that in less than a minut. Does MP3Tag also preserve uknown MP3 metadata (tag data) when writing tags? Or are scenarios possible in which MP3Tag discards metadata it does not understand and is thus not a safe program? February 11, 2018, 9:46am #1.
Tag-Panel field size Smaller
The Tag Panel continues to get love and it now has a new field size Smaller — which is smaller than Small. It’s perfect for track- and disc numbers and can be nicely combined with another Smaller and one Medium-sized field to fill up one row and use the available space in the most efficient way.
Configurable height of multiline fields on Tag-Panel
Many users who are using multiline fields on the Tag Panel (e.g., for displaying UNSYNCEDLYRICS) were asking for a way to configure the height of those fields. It's now possible to decide on the number of rows that are occupied by a multiline field (one row is the combination of label and input of a normal-sized field).
Advanced configuration option to toggle listing chapters as separate files
This new option gives the ability to decide of chapters are listed as separate files or are simply not listed. It's especially helpful if you're into editing video files (MP4 or Matroska) and always wanted to edit the global tags of a file instead of the titles of the individual chapters. The option is located at 'Options > Tags > Advanced' and is disabled by default.
Information fields for subsongs
Especially if the option to list chapter as separate files is disabled, it can be difficult to identify which files actually have chapters. I've added two new information fields to identify those files, %_subsong_count%
provides the number of subsongs in a file and %_subsong%
contains the subsong index.
Information fields for video dimensions
I have the impression that more and more users are also handling their video library with Mp3tag. This new version also has two new information fields for video dimensions, namely %_video_width%
and %_video_height%
for Matroska files (and MP4 video as well).
Is Mp3tag Safe Reddit
Further changes
Mp3 Metadata Editor Windows 10
I've also fixed many issues and performed many changes here and there. For a complete overview of all changes, please see the Changelog.