Hello everyone!
I had recently purchased Essilor Kappa C.T.D M15 and can't connect properly tracer to edger. I've been told that configuration setup can be accesed via barcodes. But I didn't get neither user manual nor barcodes with used equipment. I have already tried to find manual on internet by all possible means but with no success. I have googled it, used ftp search, torrent search, other alternative search methods. Does anyone have user and (or) service manual? Anyone knows why it's so difficult to find it? Is it copyrighted?
Please help...
my email is edix911@gmail.com
- View & download of more than 41 Essilor PDF user manuals, service manuals, operating guides. Medical Equipment, Edger user manuals, operating guides & specifications.
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Essilor Kappa User Manual Guide
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