Nov 07, 2019 You probably won't be able to buy a favor from a ruler who is in a defensive pact against you, but you might be able to buy a favor from their heir for use later. You can even create a non-aggression pact with a betrothal, immediately break the betrothal, and attack. Play The Learning Scenario. The most intimidating thing about Crusader Kings 2 is the user interface. There’s a lot of stuff on screen, and none of it is explained. When you open up the game for. Offering dukes of your culture peaceful vassalization should award you no threat.When you are an empire, doing a holy war for a measly duchy should not award you enough treat to create coalitions that may even attract people of your own religion all around you.Threat should go down faster, it makes late game quite tedious waiting for decades to get rid of that 100% threat after a couple. Offering dukes of your culture peaceful vassalization should award you no threat.When you are an empire, doing a holy war for a measly duchy should not award you enough treat to create coalitions that may even attract people of your own religion all around you.Threat should go down faster, it makes late game quite tedious waiting for decades to get rid of that 100% threat after a couple. The Mouse is a ducal level Gulfard Americanist tribe based in Central Florida, led by High Chief Elias Waltney as of July 4th, 2666. Its capital is Orlando (1091). Don't let the silly name fool you; as of 2666, the tribe of the Mouse is in a challenging predicament. It is the last Americanist tribe south of the Deep South, and it is surrounded by Non-Americanist enemies. On its south lies the.
I’ve written in this space before about how impressed I’ve been with the latest strategy game from Paradox Interactive, Crusader Kings II, and its first expansion, Sword of Islam. Those posts led to a discussion on Facebook asking me to expand on them a bit, by taking them down to a more concrete level: strategies for how to play them and win. So, here’s a post that will do just that.
I should preface this with a couple of notes. First, the tips below all assume you’re playing a Christian king; Sword of Islam allows you to play as a Muslim, and introduces some new mechanics for Muslim characters, but that’s a subject for another post. Next, I’m hardly one of the world’s foremost experts on CK2. There’s lots of people who have delved far more deeply into the game’s mechanics than I ever have, and you can find them all in one place: the indispensable Paradox forums. The community that posts there is thoughtful, respectful, and really, really smart. If you’re interested in talking CK2, you should definitely create an account and join the discussion there. There’s also a Wiki where players are gathering information to make a comprehensive reference on how CK2 works. Finally, if you want more of a tutorial walkthrough than a collection of general tips, there’s an excellent thread at Something Awful that walks you through the game in great detail.
Ck2 Threat Decay
That being said, on to the tips…
Start small. New players have a natural tendency to want to start the game playing one of the larger empires — France, say, or Byzantium. The assumption they’re making is that it’s easier to play a big, powerful kingdom than it is to play a small, weak one. But in CK2, the opposite is true. CK2 is a game about relationships, and when you’re running a huge empire, you have a lot of relationships to manage all at once, which can be overwhelming. Choosing a smaller nation lets you learn the ropes by dealing with a much smaller cast of characters.
There’s lots of opinions about which kingdom is the best for new players to start with, but the consensus in the forums is that (if you’re starting the game at its earliest start date, 1066) any of the provinces of Ireland are ideal “starter kingdoms.”
There are several reasons for this. Most of them only have a couple of provinces you need to manage, which reduces the number of variables you have to juggle to the absolute minimum. In 1066, Ireland is divided pretty equally among several small kingdoms, so you don’t have a big, powerful neighbor threatening you right away; all your neighbors are just as weak as you are. There are powerful nations in the region, like the Normans; but they’re all separated from you by ocean, which makes it harder for them to invade you and thus defers the day when you’ll have to deal with them. And all the Irish provinces have a natural goal — unification of the island into a single Kingdom of Ireland — that makes for an ideal “tutorial quest”; once you’ve learned the game enough to bring the rest of Ireland under your control, you’ll have learned all the essential skills you need to run a kingdom of any size.
Ck2 You Are Threatening People
Think like a Godfather, not like a President. If you’ve played strategy games before, or really if you grew up anytime after the year 1648, it’s natural to think of your kingdom in terms of a nation — a cohesive political entity that has a unique identity transcending whomever happens to be ruling it at the moment.
To be successful in CK2, you need to rid yourself of that notion, because it didn’t exist in the medieval world. Back then, the concept of the state was inextricably mixed up with the concept of the ruler; the state, and everything in it, were the personal property of the king and his family. Or at least they were as long as the king could keep another king from coming along and taking it from him. It wasn’t a nation as we understand the word today; it was the king’s “turf.”
Take the example of the Irish provinces, mentioned above. Let’s say you choose to play as the duchy of Connacht. That might sound like you’re choosing a nation to play as. But really, you’re choosing a family — specifically the Ua Conchobair, the family from which sprang the historic Kings of Connacht during that period.
Ck2 Threat
The reason this is important to understand is that your job in CK2, if you go down this road, is not to work for the greater glory of Connacht. Let me say that again: as Duke of Connacht, your job is not to protect and expand the power of Connacht. Your job is to protect and expand the power of the Ua Conchobair family. Connacht is merely the raw material you use to make that happen.
This means like the road to success isn’t to think of yourself as “leader of Connacht.” It’s to think of yourself as the Godfather of the Ua Conchobair family, in the same way that Michael Corleone was the Godfather of the Corleone family in the Godfather movies.
This particular example, in fact, is instructive. If you think back to the first Godfather movie, you’ll remember that it’s established that the “turf” of the Corleone family is in New York City, and has been ever since the original Godfather, Vito Corleone, carved it out after arriving from Sicily at the beginning of the 20th century. At the end, though, we see Michael pick up the entire Corleone empire and move it to Nevada, because he judges (correctly!) that the future of organized crime is going to be found there. Lieutenants who want to stay in New York for sentimental reasons are ruthlessly cut loose from the family. Crime figures in Nevada who stand between Corleone and the “turf” he wants there are gunned down.
This is how you have to think to be successful in CK2. Playing as Connacht, for instance, it’s possible to win glory for your family by taking on your immediate neighbors, wresting their kingdoms from them, and taking them as your own. But it’s equally possible to win glory for your family by marrying your children strategically into the dynasties of a distant, powerful kingdom, yielding children of your own blood who grow to rule it, or by taking the cross and carving out a Crusader kingdom in the Middle East, planting crowns of sandy kingdoms upon the heads of your children. It’s quite possible for the family Ua Conchobair to grow to great power, in other words, without Connacht growing any further on the island of Ireland. It’s even possible for the family to prosper without any holdings on the Irish isle at all.
Play dynastically. This leads to a related point, which is that if playing as a family rather than a nation is the way to go, ensuring the continuance of your family line is of the utmost importance.
What this means, at the most basic level, is heirs; specifically, male heirs. You must have male heirs for the family to continue.There are lots of ways to lose a game of CK2,but the easiest is to get so wrapped up in other things that your character never gets around to fathering any male children. Whoops! Game over.
Image from Something Awful’s CK2 tutorial thread (click image to read)
And it’s not enough to just produce male heirs. You have to produce decent male heirs — “throne-worthy” male heirs, in the terminology of the time. Here is where understanding of character statistics and traits comes in. Statistics are the numeric scores that are attached to a character — things like “Diplomacy,” “Intrigue,” “Martial,” etc. Traits are the character attributes displayed as icons — things like “Brave,” or “Drunkard,” or “Hunchback.” Together these define a character.
How they affect what the character himself does is pretty obvious; a character with a high Martial score and the “Brave” trait will do well on the battlefield, for example. What’s less obvious is that a character’s statistics and traits also affect how other characters perceive and react to that character. So if your male heir has that “Brave” trait mentioned above, other “Brave” characters will admire his courage, raising their opinion of him; but characters with the “Craven” trait, importantly, will envy his courage, lowering their opinion of him.
This means that whether or not your heir is accepted by the rest of your court will depend in part on his raw stats, and in part on who exactly the other people in the court are. Some traits are seen as more “kingly” than others — an heir who is Charitable will generally have an easier time picking up his father’s crown than one who is Greedy. (In CK2’s taxonomy of traits, these are known as virtues — trait icons with a green background and a number on them. The opposite of virtues are sins — numbered trait icons with a red background.) But a Charitable heir in a court full of Greedy vassals and advisors may find that his virtue alone is not enough to ensure his succession.
The less “throne-worthy” your heir is judged by your other vassals (including his siblings!) to be, the more likely it is that upon your character’s death they will launch bids to wrest the crown from your heir’s hands into their own. These bids can lead to long, destructive civil wars that break up a mighty empire, so it’s critical that you do everything you can to ensure that when your character dies, a strong, capable heir is waiting for you to play as next.
Breeding is important. There’s three ways you can affect the likelihood of producing a throne-worthy heir.
The first: marry the right person.Parents can pass some of their traits on to their children, so if you marry your character to a paranoid, lunatic hunchback, you should not be surprised when your kids turn out to be less than ideal. Similarly, a child who has the “Inbred” trait has huge negative modifiers applied to their stats, so you don’t want to marry within your own family if you can avoid it.
The second: have lots of kids. Having too many kids can pose a problem, since kids (especially male kids) tend to expect Dad to give them a province to run when they reach adulthood at age 16, so having more kids than provinces can cause disputes within the family. But those problems are usually easier to deal with than the ones that come from not having a decent male heir.
The third: educate your kids well. When a child is born in CK2, his or her initial stats and traits come from the stats and traits of its parents. But as he/she grows up, his/her “personality” is shaped by the people you surround them with. This gets more pronounced at age 6, which is the age when a child can start their education. “Education” in the world of CK2 doesn’t mean sending them to school, though — it means assigning them a guardian, another character from your court, to whom they become a sort of apprentice. The traits of a child’s guardian can be picked up by the child, so for your oldest kids, anyway, it’s worth taking a little time to find someone with good, throne-worthy traits to educate them; there’s no guarantees the kid will learn from their example, but it can’t hurt to try. (Note that you can choose to make your own character your child’s guardian if you wish; this gives you the chance to mold the child’s character directly by choosing how to react to events in the child’s life, but if your character has negative traits, it’s possible you can pass them on to the child as well.)
Note that guardians don’t just have the opportunity to pass along their traits to the children they educate; they also have the opportunity to pass along their culture as well. That means that if you’re an Irish king, and you give your oldest son to a character from France to educate, there’s an outside chance that when the kid’s education ends he’ll come away acting a lot more like a Frenchman than an Irishman. This kind of cultural difference is a huge turn-off for vassals — no self-respecting Irishman in 1100 would want to live under a Frenchified king! — which can make passing the crown to them quite difficult, as vassals revolt left and right to install a “true Irish king” instead of your weird son. Similarly, a guardian can pass along their religion as well, and heretics have a hard time rising to the throne of a Christian kingdom; so if there’s a guardian who looks great except for the minor problem that they belong to an heretical church, think hard before handing your kid over to them.
Know the law. The last piece of keeping your dynasty alive is making sure that the laws of your kingdom make it easy to do so. Different kingdoms in CK2 have different laws governing which children can succeed a king. You can change these laws to better suit you, but you can only do so once in each character’s lifetime, and only after that character has held the throne for at least ten years; and changing it can have major negative impacts among those characters who are affected negatively by the change (like children who used to be in the line of succession, but now are not). So it’s worth thinking carefully about which approach you want to take to succession over the long term.
The relevant laws fall into two basic categories: gender laws and succession laws. Gender laws determine how (if at all) women fit into the line of succession; succession laws determine how the line of succession is organized. Not all cultures have access to all the available gender and succession laws; while it is possible to have a gender law that makes women equal to men as candidates for succession, this option is only available to a small number of cultures.
Gender laws break down as follows:
- Agnatic: Only men can succeed to the throne.
- Agnatic-Cognatic: Women can succeed to the throne, but only if no eligible male heirs are available.
- Absolute Cognatic: Women and men have equal eligibility for succession.
Succession laws break down like this:
- Seniority: The oldest member of your dynasty inherits all your holdings. (Note that this doesn’t mean your oldest child inherits; it means that the oldest dynasty member inherits, who might be your character’s younger brother, or second cousin, or even his father.)
- Gavelkind: Your holdings are divided equally among all eligible heirs.
- Primogeniture: Your oldest eligible child inherits all your holdings. If that child has died, their oldest eligible child inherits, and so on down their branch of the family tree. If they died without having any children, the process repeats with your second-oldest eligible child’s branch of the family, then the third, etc.
- Elective: You nominate a successor, who can be anyone in your court (not just your children), for each of your titles. Others can put themselves forward as candidates for succession to one or all of your titles as well. Your vassals vote on which candidate to give each title to when your character dies.
You will note that, from the player’s perspective, none of these laws are perfect; all of them carry a degree of risk to the continuation of your family line. To a lot of new players, Gavelkind succession seems like the fairest choice — why not give each of the children a slice of the pie? But when you try it you quickly discover the answer to that question: because it takes your vast kingdom and turns it into several smaller kingdoms, each with a child on the throne scheming to take over all the others. Elective seems fair to our modern, democratic sensibilities, until you realize that each of your titles gets voted on separately by the vassals who belong to that title, so if your heir is popular everywhere but one corner of your empire, it’s entirely possible for that corner to give the title to a Favorite Son of their own, peeling it off from your kingdom. And so forth.
Because of this, there’s no one “best” succession law that you should always go with; the choice depends on your play style and the makeup of your court. Personally, I tend to go with Elective — it gives you the flexibility to put a more-capable younger son up for your throne if your oldest is a drooling idiot or a heretic, and it’s usually possible to bribe or strongarm difficult vassals into voting the way you want them to. But your choice may be different.
Ck2 Lower Threat
And that’s where I’ll wrap this set of tips up for now. If you have questions about other elements of CK2, feel free to ask in the comments or on Facebook/Twitter/etc. and I’ll be happy to answer them there, or in a second post if they’re complicated.
Crusader Kings 2 Threat
In this series I’m attempting to take the house of Northumbria, which rules in Northampton, England, from small counts to the kings of England. I have no idea if it’s going to work, or whether the house of Waltheof of Northampton will sink into obscurity. It’ll be fun to find out, though.
Earl Waltheof of Northampton – 1080-1084
The newly-crowned King Robert of England really has it in for my poor Earl of Northampton, Waltheof. The King has been fighting a war against the Holy Roman Empire for a year, and leaves Walt to command a small army encamped between the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea. What’s more he’s created the Duchy of Norfolk, a title that by de jure rights belongs to Walt, and given it to himself.
Patience is the name of the game here for Walt and I. Robert is 26, four years Walt’s junior, but is a man who is fat, lazy and awful at diplomacy. His people hate him and his lords hate him. It’s surely only a matter of time until rebellion strikes. Fed up with how Robert is ruining the once glorious nation of England, Walt joins a faction trying to crown Eadwin, Duke of Warwick, as king.
Then in 1081, lit by the spark of heavier crown intervention, the country rises in revolt. York, Derby, Warwick, Lincoln, Oxford and Somerset all rise against King Robert, whose armies are stuck in the Swiss Alps. Then, as the cold begins to set in as September 1082 rolls around, even worse news reaches Walt.
Sigrid, Princess of Denmark and Walt’s wife for 16 years, has died of smallpox. What’s worse, both of his daughters have contracted the disease. The war against the Holy Roman Empire is almost lost, the rebellion in England moves ever closer to Northampton and now Walt is hit with devastating news.
While I am saddened on his behalf, I move quickly to my backup plan. Gunhild, one of the dead King Harold’s daughters, is 27 and still unwed. She’s a decent woman and, crucially, can pass her claim on the crown of England onto her children. If Walt has a boy with her then their son will have a claim on the throne.
Lifestealing Vs Crusader Threat
Finally back home in Northampton Castle, Walt spends his days arranging marriages for his court and his friends. Some of them are talented individuals, and having them produce equally talented offspring will only help the house in the future. The rebellion, meanwhile, still sits on borders of Northampton, ominously threatening to spill over at any time.
Things look precarious. The only good news is that both of Walt’s daughters recover from smallpox without issue and Gunhild falls pregnant. With fingers crossed for a son, Walt spends much of his time inspecting the defences of Northampton, wishing he had more money. Waltilda comes of age, marries a prince of Denmark and reveals herself to be a master spy, with a rating of 20 in the intrigue skillset.
In February 1084 a baby boy is born to Gunhild and Walteof. Named Siward, after his grandfather, he represents a new hope for the dynasty. Walt has little time to celebrate the news, as he is thrown into the depths of battle in Gloucester. He personally kills the spymaster of the enemy and gains the ‘brave’ trait for his skills in battle.
Walt spends most of 1084 touring the country fighting for a king that doesn’t even like him. His martial skill increases and increases and he becomes a legend on the battlefield. But, just as Walt believes the war is over, he faces a ferocious Irishman fighting for the rebels. Unable to best his opponent he’s struck down and dies. Earl Waltheof of Northampton, only 18 years under my control, is dead.
Siward Waltheof, his son, is not even one year old. I have now taken over as him, with Waltilda (who was the heiress until Siward was born) as my regent. A fragile newborn child without a father, Siward is totally at the mercy of Waltilda, who is both regent AND heir. Let’s hope I raised her right.
Earl Siward of Northampton, 1084-1091
There are a host of issues now facing me. As a child ruler in Crusader Kings 2, I get a HUGE relationship penalty with nearly all of my court. Siward, apparently a gifted child despite being unable to talk or walk, spends the first year of his life conducting delicate diplomatic matters. A promotion here and a title there and soon some of the court is back on side. It’s going to be a long 16 years, though…
It seems that before he died in battle, Walt (that old dog) managed to get Gunhild pregnant again. Siward’s sister Aeflaed is born in 1085. The family is certainly growing. By 1087 Waltilda herself has had two children, both girls. I grow slightly anxious of her, mainly because her relationship with me keeps dropping and she keeps popping out heirs and claimants. On the other hand she would make a good ruler, should Siward die.
Waltilda decides in quick succession that Siward should scrape bird droppings from a tower, walk into the forests alone and ride runaway carts. Okay, something is definitely amiss, here. Perhaps she’s jealous that Siward, at age seven, has both a higher stewardship and diplomacy rating than her? Finally, driven mad by her attempts to kill Walt’s only son, she attempts to stab him in the night. Will he survive? I cross my fingers and click ‘continue’…